If you are going to ‘retire’ someday then yes you do need an income to live on.

According to ASFA 9/17 for a comfortable retirement then you as a couple need 60,457+ to live on and that, depending on your life expectancy ,can mean you outlive your money.

As we all know saving a million dollars takes usually a very long time, it depends on what you invest in & what the rate of return is.

And is a million enough to retire on?

Not today as interest rates are historically as low as they have ever been.

A million invested today in a term deposit might earn 2.6% or 26K p.a.

So for you the arbitrary 1.6 million each that the government decrees allows you 41,600 p.a.

If you can handle some ‘risk’ then you might invest in equities or other investments to earn a higher income. Let’s not forget Government risk.

So is there a better & easier way as most when they realise this are running out of time?

Many are out there looking for a business but that usually requires start-up capital from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand.

As we have known for 20 years there is an easier alternative.

If it brings in 26K p.a. or 500p.w permanently then that is equivalent to 1,000,000 in capital.

Goals kicked.

1 million.

Is it easy?

 Is that doable?

It’s easier than the alternatives.

How long does it take to learn a trade or do a degree?

Do I need employees?

Yes,’ you want only two good workers who have skin in the game & others

Do you really want a hand out from the government when you retire but subject to income & asset testing?

Do you want a healthy income when you retire?

Yes Sir.

John Michael McAuliffe AFA, DipFp., BSc., DipTeach.