Gilbert Says


When I watched a documentary on the making of the jersey IE the All Black rugby jersey for the last Rugby World Cup RWC then I wondered if there would be a documentary on the making of the Gilbert rugby ball.


So far No.

However when I read Legacy then Gilbert who I worked with too long ago has multiple mentions in this Book.


He is one of Five key contributors to the All Blacks recent successes as he is the A.B.s mental skills coach. ‘Their barefooted guru'.


Hence here are some ‘wisdoms’ that he is quoted to have passed on.


you can’t work all week & then have Saturday night through to Mondays where you bloody drink & sink.’


the being of team.’


the more you have to play for the better you play.’


its about what you bring today & how you are going to fill that jersey.’


With that responsibility & privilege comes ‘mana’ so it is not an oppressive thing’.


we had to go more collaborative, so that together we grow, together we advance.’


And when he is in his other life then


Where is the soul of the company?

What is it all about?

What are the values that drive your behaviour?

People first, they are always important.

So doing the right thing becomes important, being courage at a micro level, & encouragement at a micro level, to going into new areas, & fun & laughter…..


Now that was only from the first three chapters & out of context they may sound trite & platitudes.


And from the author James Kerr who says


its easy to be cynical but there is little doubt that this stuff works.’


A very good read.


Say yes more often.




John Michael McAuliffe AFA, DipFp., BSc., DipTeach.