What can we do as financial advisers?

What we are paid to do.


People suffer crisis all the time.

(1) The provider must act in the best interests of the client in relation to the advice.

‘Safe harbour’ (2) The provider satisfies the duty in subsection (1), if the provider proves that the provider has done each of the following:

                    (a) identified the objectives, financial situation and needs of the client that were disclosed to the provider by the client through instructions;

                    (b) identified:

Book a free 15 minute call This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from our work with clients over the past 36 years.

Yes Better returns are very possible & compared to current term deposit rates

and recent meetings with clients suggest they want a very doable 5%.

Now RBA says wait and see
The RBA has held interest rates steady at its final meeting for 2019, but there are growing expectations of a cut early in the New Year.              (Australian 3/12/2019)

Yes there are MANY Approved options to help you thrive in 2020.

This week on the same day I had clients wanting or needing reassurance on who are their beneficiaries.

The first client sadly appears to have started the road to divorce when

‘Need her removed asap for any financial benefits from my death between now and the official divorce.’

 So that requires changing the beneficiaries on a will.

 Now under super that has rules on who can be beneficiaries & it is best & expected to read your super document PDS for whom qualifies to be a dependant.

I had just bought the wife's present & as most males will appreciate outside the store there was a charity offering present wrapping for a small donation.

What a good idea and so I joined the queue.

It so happened that ahead of me a gentleman & yes a grandfather was having a small toy piano wrapped for his grand-daughter.

Yes music appreciation is a lifetime asset.

But the toy itself will be temporary & maybe he would prefer to plan now for her education which will have huge future benefits for her.

Now as many have read recently, ‘Australian students’ results slip dramatically behind the rest of the world’. (Kidspot 4/12/19)

This was a question in a survey which attracted 3,397 responses to 42 questions about retirement savings, income and attitudes. 

This report was for a major financial services company and entitled ‘Financial discomfort in retirement report’. (YourLifeChoices, February 2019)

A response that resonated most with me was ‘Peace of mind is extremely important to older people. Having money at hand to be able to pay for your health needs is not only important, it is a must for a peaceful life”
(Retired female, aged 80 years)

The real Big reason for ‘wellness’ for my cohort is

Thanks John that is excellent advice!   

Was a message I received yesterday.

My theme for you  is ‘what would I do if I was in your financial position’?

Or as defined under CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 - SECT 961B

Provider must act in the best interests of the client..

E.g. 1. Egos matter in a trillion-dollar transition

Managing egos will be the key to managing the transition of trillions of dollars between generations over the next two decades.                                                                 (Australian 31/12/19)

E.g. 2. Seven heirs dispute Tip Top riches
Seven children are in a court battle over their parents’ multi-million-dollar fortune. (Australian 31/12/19)

E.g. 3. Costa family feeding frenzy
With the Costas gripped by sibling conflict, will the super-wealthy fruit and veg family chip in for their full entitlement. (Australian 30/10/19)

How to look after our grandchildren with a simple solution.

I have just attended a seminar organised by a retirement village that is still being built handy to home.

It is always useful to attend these seminars as they provide a different perspective.

As we have all noticed recently there have been plenty of subdivisions of lots in the neighbourhood.

In fact I have considered it myself but so far I have only attempted to use it in the form of a beehive, useful fruit trees or even a garden patch.

So I note from a recent IOOF technical article 20/12/2019

Subdivision of the family home

Our Story

I help you to have the MONEY to enjoy your rewards in retirement by optimising what needs to be actioned today.

 If you learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along better with all kinds of folks.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb inside of his skin  and walk around in it 
(Lee, 2010, p. 33).   

John Michael McAuliffe AFA, DipFp., BSc., DipTeach.