"The first wealth is health"
The cost of advice for consumers could climb by over 70% as advisers, move further towards fee for service models to replace lost income.
The government is likely to approve a staged removal over 12-24 months, attempting to limit the damage to industry by allowing advice businesses to make an orderly transition to new fee arrangements.
What would you do as it is very hard to believe as it hasn't happened to us in 35 years?
Hi John,
Please send this on..
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have accidentally transferred $20,000 + your no commission fee to your account.
I have sent it as 2 payments.
This will mean that you will keep your fee and send me back the $20,000
I am very sorry for this mix-up. I hope this isn't too much trouble.
I have been wondering why that in spite of effort & time apparently well spent that the levels that others achieve are Not matched.
Then I read in Legacy in the Chapter ‘Sacrifice’ what Brad Thorn’s father said to him.
Champions do extra.
Home equity and the home are the most neglected and misunderstood factors in retirement planning.
Since home equity is one of the largest assets for many people, a lot of money is left on the table.
Surveys indicate that about 40% of baby boomers plan to move sometime after retiring. Many people assume they’ll downsize to a smaller home.
The equity extracted from the sale of their old homes and the lower living expenses of the new homes will help fund retirement.
It’s a good plan, but many people don’t execute it well.
Here are some tips I’ve gleaned over the years for downsizing in retirement:
When did you start your first Job?
Are we expecting too much?
Maybe the family is not ready yet??
The family is unhappy & are we putting too much pressure on?
These are the doubts that Mum has when the family is scratchy the day & night before the first day of work experience.
This is the question I asked Greg my mechanic yesterday when he suggested that a windscreen attachment was $60 EACH.
Greg said the would go up the North Coast & get a 2nd hand one.
That is the same question I ask myself if & when I am advising you as it is a great question which needs a great answer.
As H Lee said in her classic To Kill a Mockingbird.
[have you read it?]
If you learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it (Lee, 2010, p. 33).
Why not call us on 07 3848 1088 as others do as a 3rd person often helps as a different viewpoint?
have you done your best today?
John McAuliffe
The Inbetweens
How do I define those in between years from retirement onward?
Will the Inbetweens do?
That Go between bridge in Brisbane is a name I can never recall & it for some unknown reason it has no left hand turn heading out from the city.
I digress as I was invited to a seminar yesterday on these later years that I have before I really do lose my reasoning.
Mark from ADA spoke on the advocacy that his organisation does for you if you or others you know have concerns on the care that you may receive from institutions or others or government departments. They act on your side of the table for you to advocate your concerns & your desired outcomes. Major for you maybe minor distractions for others & hence someone on your side matters.
Deanne who has been on the front line of elder abuse for 10 years spoke about a problem that she says is about 5 % of this aged group. I have heard that in fact it is closer to 10%.This abuse Deanne defined into 6 categories from financial & psychological down to the sexual. The statistics were that 65% to 70% were from sons & daughters. The are two help lines to this service.
Julie from QLD South Health spoke on Advanced Care planning. This involves all the documents that help others who don't know you at all but will need to know.
The documents include not only your will but also your Enduring Power of Attorney, Advance Health Directive and a very new Statement of Choices.
Julie who has been a nurse for ‘too long’ commented that she has stated to her family that she does NOT want to be ‘dribbling’.
Julie also emphasised how important an EPOA is especially when traveling.
The above seminar reinforced why we offer our clients our iInbetween years full estate planning opportunity.
Our “last letter’ is also a very useful & necessary template to define what others need to know about your affairs.
Our theme for this year is “say yes more often.
I attended because it adds width to our knowledge or others have said ‘wisdom’.
If I may digress again then as a preventive approach I have been taking the best science to improve & extend these Inbetween years.
Lets retain our self respect for more years with what benchmark science demostrates.
Say yes more often.
Or Lets do today.
Combined they are the first XV.
Fifteen principles as there are 15 players in a Rugby team from The Legacy’
Each Principle has a roll, each a responsibility & each a position on the field.
Sweep the Sheds
Never to be too big to do the small things that need to be done.
Go for the Gap
If you are at the top of your game, change your game.
Play with Purpose
Ask why?
Pass the ball.
Leaders make leaders.
Create a learning environment
Leaders are teachers.
No Dickheads
Follow the spearhead.
Embrace Expectations
Aim for the highest cloud.
Train to Win
Practice under pressure.
Keep a Blue Head
Control your attention
Know yourself
Keep it real
find something that you will die for
and give your life to it.
Invent a language
Sing your world into existence
Ritualise to Actualise
Create a culture.
Be a Good Ancestor
Plant trees you will never see
This is your time
Write your legacy
Say Yes More often
Gilbert Says
When I watched a documentary on the making of the jersey IE the All Black rugby jersey for the last Rugby World Cup RWC then I wondered if there would be a documentary on the making of the Gilbert rugby ball.
So far No.
However when I read Legacy then Gilbert who I worked with too long ago has multiple mentions in this Book.
He is one of Five key contributors to the All Blacks recent successes as he is the A.B.s mental skills coach. ‘Their barefooted guru'.
G'day John
I would like to thank you for all your help and guidance over the year's and look forward to working with you again in the future.
John Michael McAuliffe AFA, DipFp., BSc., DipTeach.